Wednesday, June 21, 2006

American English vs. English English

American English vs. English English

Acetaminophen = Paracetamol
Airplane = Aeroplane
Aluminum = Aluminium
Americans = Yanks
Apartment = Flat
Apartment House = Block of flats
Appetizer = Entree, Starter
Appointment Book = Diary
Archeology = Archaeology
Argentina = The Argentine
Argentinian = Argentine
Argument = Row, argy-bargy

Baby Carriage = Pram
Babysitter = Minder
Backpack = Rucksack
Badger = Brock
Baked Potato = Jacket potato
Bandaid = Elastoplast (both brand name bandages)
Bangs = Fringe
Bank Teller = Cashier
Bar = Pub
Barrette = Slide
Baseboard = Skirting-board
Bathroom = Loo, Water closet, W.C.
Battery (car) = Accumulator
Bedspread = Eiderdown or Duvet
Beef extract = Bovril (brand name)
Billion = Trillion
Bleachers = Terrace
Bobby pin = Hair pin
Bodyguard = Minder
Boots (rubber) = Wellies, Wellingtons
Boss = Gaffer
Boy = Lad
Braces (for the teeth) = Brace
Broccoli = Rabe Calabrese
Buttocks = Bum

Cabbage and potato = Bubble and squeak
Cafeteria = Refectory
Call = Ring
Can = Tin
Candy = Sweets
Carpenter = Cabinet Maker, Joiner
Carried away = Over the top
Catalog = Catalogue
Cents = Pence
Chapstick = Lip Balm
Chat (noun) = Natter
Chat (verb) = Natter, Rabbit
Check (bank) = Cheque
Check (restaurant) = Bill
Checkers = Draughts
Checking account = Current account
Chips = Crisps
Cigarette = Fag
Classy = Upmarket
Closet (bedroom) = Wardrobe
Clumsy = Cackhanded
Collect Call = Reverse Charge Call
Color = Colour
Comforter = Duvet
Commercial = Advertisment
Condom = Sheath
Conductor = Guard, clippie (Scotland)
Cookie = Biscuit
Cotton Candy = Candy Floss
Cotton = Cotton wool
Counterclockwise = Anticlockwise
Cracker = Savoury biscuit
Crazy (person) = Nutter
Credit = Hire purchase
Crib = Cot
Cross Walk = Zebra Crossing, Pedestrian Crossing
Crossing Guard = Lollipop Man
Crotch = Crutch
Cupcake = Fairy Cake
Curator = Keeper
Curb = Kerb

Dead End = Close, Cul de sac
Dessert = Afters, Pudding
Detour = Diversion
Diaper = Nappy, Napkin
Doctor's exam room = Surgery
Dollar = BillNote
Dropout = School leaver
Drugstore = Chemist
Drunk = Blotto, legless, paralytic, pissed
Dump = Tip
Duplex = Semi-Detached House

Easy task = Doddle
Editorial = Leader
Eggplant = Aubergine
Elated = Over the Moon
Electrician = Sparky
Elevator = Lift
Emergency Room = Casualty
England = Blighty
Eraser = Rubber
Exercise Class = Keep Fit
Exhausted = Knackered
Expensive = Dear

Fall = Autumn
Faucet T= ap
Favorite = Favourite
Feeble-minded = Dotty
Fellow = Bloke, Chap
Fire (verb) = Sack
Fire Department = Fire Brigade
Fish Store = Fishmongers'
Flashlight = Torch
Flirt = Tart
Fourteen Pounds = One stone
Freeway (Expressway) = Motorway, Carriageway
French Fries = Chips
Fruit Store = Fruiterers'

Garage sale = Jumble sale, boot sale
Garbage Bag = Bin liner
Garbage Can = Bin
Garbageman = Dustman
Garter Belt = Suspenders
Gas heater = Gas fire
Gas = Petrol
Gelatin = Jelly
Gizzards = Offal
Glasses = Bins, Specs
Glue = Gum
Go away = Naff off, sod off
Golashes = Wellingtons, Wellies
Golden raisins = Sultanas
Grade = Form
Granola = Muesli
Gray = Grey
Ground Beef = Mince
Gutter = Gully
Guy = Bloke, Chap

Ham = Gammon
Hamburger bun = Bap
Hardware store = Ironmongers'
Healthfood = Wholefood
Heater (electric) = Electric fire
Heater (gas) = Gas fire
Hedge = Hedgerow
Highrise = Tower block
Highway = Carriageway, Motorway
Honor = Honour
Hood = Bonnet
Hooligan = Yob, Yobbo
Horny = Randy
Horse = Chestnut Conker
House (one story) = Bungalow
Humor = Humour
Hungry = Peckish

Inclusive = All-in
Instruction = Tuition
Intermission = Interval
Interrogate =Vet

Jail = Gaol
Jello = Jelly
Jelly J= am
Jewelry = Jewellery
Juice Concentrate = Squash

Kerosene = Paraffin
Kiss = Snog

Ladybug = Ladybird
Lady's room = Ladies'
Lawyer = Barrister, Solicitor
Leash = Lead
Lemonade = Non-carbonated beverage
License plate = Number plate
Like (verb) = Fancy
Line = Queue
Lineup = Identity parade
Liquor store = Off license , Offy
Living room = Lounge

Mail (noun or verb) = Post
Mail Carrier = Postman, Posty
Mailbox = Postbox
Main street = High street
Maneuver = Manoeuvre
Math = Maths
Menopause = The Maenopause
Men's room = Gents
Middle of nowhere = Back of beyond
Model (of sorts) = Page 3 girl
Molasses = Treacle
Mold = Mould
Monkey Wrench = Spanner
Moron = Berk
Motor Home = Caravan
Mover = Removal man
Movie = Film
Movie = Theater Cinema
Moving = Removal
Moving truck = Removal van
Muffler = Silencer

Nail polish = Nail varnish
Naked = Starkers
Napkin = Serviette
National Holiday = Bank Holiday
Nauseous = Sick, Seedy
Nerd = Wally
Newcastle (person from) = Geordie
Newscaster = Presenter
Nothing = Nought, bugger-all
Nudist = Naturist

On/Off Ramp = Slip Road
Oven = Cooker
Overalls = Dungarees
Overpass = Flyover

Pacifier = Dummy
Pajamas = Pyjamas
Panties = Pants, Knickers
Pants = Trousers
Paper Towel = Kitchen towel, Kitchen Paper
Parade = Carnival
Parka = Anorak
Parking lot = Car park
Party favor = Cracker
Pedestrian crossing = Subway
Perfect = Spot on
Period (in punct.) = Full stop
Pharmacist = Chemist
Picnic Basket = Picnic Hamper
Pie Crust = Pastry Base
Pimple = Spot
Pin = Brooch
Plastic Tape = Sellotape (brand name)
Plastic wrap Clingfilm (brand name)
Pleasant = Homely
Pleased = Chuffed
Police Car = Panda car
Policeman = Bobby
Pool = Snooker
Popsicle = Ice lolly
Potato Chips = Crisps
Pregnant = Bun in the oven
Prenatal = Antenatal
Preppie = Sloane Ranger
Prison = The nick
Private school = Public school
Prom =Ball
Propeller = Air screw
Public School = State school
Push up = Press up
Put to sleep = Put down

Quarrel =Row

Railroad Tie = Sleeper
Raincoat = Mac, mackintosh
Raise = Rise
Realtor = Estate Agent
Relish = Pickle
Rent = Hire
Reserve = Book
Rest stop = Lay-by
Roast = Joint
Robe = ressing Gown
Run = Ladder
Rutabaga = Swede

Sand Box = Sand Pit
Sandwich = Butty , Sarney
Santa Claus = Father Christmas
Saran Wrap = Clingfilm (Both are brand names)
SATs = A-levels (college entrance exams)
Sausage & potatoes = Bangers and mash
Sausage= Banger
Scalper = Tout
Scotch Tape = Sellotape (Both are brand names)
Sedan = Saloon car
Seedy = Downmarket
Sell = Flog
Senior Citizen = OAP (Old Age Pensioner)
Shopping Bag = Carrier bag
Shopping Cart/Basket= Trolley
Sick = Nauseous
Sideburns = Sideboards
Sidewalk = Pavement
Sir = Squire, Guv'nor
Slate (noun) = List of candidates for election
Slate (verb) = Designate for action or appointment
Slowpoke = Slowcoach
Sneakers = Daps, Trainers, Plimsolls,Pumps
Sneakers = Trainers, Plimsolls,Pumps
Snow Peas = Mange Tout
Soccer = Football
Spay = Doctor
Spelled = Spelt
Spoiled = Off
Squash = Marrow
Steal = Nick, Pinch
Stingy = Mean
Stopper = Bung
Street = Musician Busker
Stroller = Pram, Pushchair
Stupid = Daft, Gormless
Styrofoam = Polystyrene
Subway = Underground
Superbowl of Soccer = FA Cup
Suspenders = Braces
Sweater = Jumper ,Pullover

Take-Out = Take-Away
Talk show = Chat show
Taxi stand = Rank
Tenement = Housing estate
Testicles = Bollocks
Thank you = Cheers, Ta Ta
Thicket = Copse
Thumb Tack = Drawing Pin
Tic Tac Toe = Naughts and Crosses
Tire = Tyre
Toilet = Loo
Toothpick = Cocktail Stick
Toss = Bung
Track Housing = Housing Estate
Traffic Circle = Roundabout
Traffic Jam = Tailback
Trailor = Caravan
Trash Bag = Bin liner
Trash Can = Bin
Trash = Rubbish
Truck = Lorry
Trunk = Boot
Turnip = Swede
Tuxedo = Dinner Jacket
TV = Telly
Two Weeks = Fortnight

Umbrella = Brolly
Underpants (men's) = Y-fronts
Underpants (women's) = Pants, Knickers
Undershirt = Vest
Unemployed = Redundant
Unstable = Wonky

Vacation = Holiday
Very = Bloody
Vest = Waistcoat
Prostitute = Vice Girl
Vinyl Top (of car) = Hood

Wallet (Woman's) = Purse
Washcloth = Flannel
Whine = Whinge
Windshield = Windscreen
Wine (cheap) = Plonk
Woman (attractive) = Crumpet

Yard = Garden
Yard sale = umble sale
Years = Yonks
You're Welcome [not used in Britain]

Zee (the letter)= Zed
Zip code = Postal code
Zucchini = Courgette